

Kyoto City University of Arts

“Curriculum” Nowadays of Japanese Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts

The 3rd KCUA Nihonga ( Japanese Painting ) Curriculum exhibition highlighted selections from the nihonga curriculum intended to direct students’ attention to the use of the “line,” one of the key characteristics of Japanese painting. The reproduction of the twelfth-century Choju-giga, or Scrolls of Frolicking Animals, and figure drawings are both important parts of the Nihonga curriculum that focus on the interpretation of the “line,” which can be described as the very foundation on which Asian painting is based. The notion of the “line” directly connects the technical interpretation of classical works to the production of contemporary nihonga. By showing the students’ reproductions of the scrolls alongside their figure drawings, this exhibition presented the opportunity to reassess the relationship between the two assignments and to develop a fundamental understanding of line drawings.

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Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA
14 days
(2014.11.22 Sat.2014.12.7 Sun.)
Organized by
Kyoto City University of Arts

Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery
Phone: +81-(0)75-585-2010
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