Listen: Art as a Form of Academic Inquiry

Yu Okadome’s performance: Jibun wo Yosoou (pretend to be oneself)
  • 2024.9.8 Sun. 15:00
  • 2024.9.15 Sun. 15:00
  • 2024.9.22 Sun. 15:00
  • 2024.9.27 Fri. 15:00
  • 2024.10.4 Fri. 15:00
  • Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery

Yu Okadome will give a performance around the experimental area of the joint research project “Things We Wear: Ideas and Practices for Clothing, Sound, and Environment” in the exhibition.

Yu Okadome

Born in Kyoto in 1998. In addition to performances based on the theme of lack of preparation, improvisation, and explanation, he also presents three-dimensional works, videos, installations, and various other methods created as opportunities for such performances.

He currently enrolled in the Master’s Program in Concept and Media Planning, Department of Fine Arts, Graduate School of Kyoto City University of Arts.

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Japanese (no translation provided)
Free admission
No application required

Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery
Phone: +81-(0)75-585-2010
Please send your inquiry from the form.