2019年12月13日[金] 17:00–20:00
Over the course of her long and groundbreaking artistic career, Joan Jonas has explored a multimedia practice across performance, video, installation, and more. Adapting her themes according to the times, she has continued to create layered and poetic work. Even now at the age of 83, she shows no signs of slowing down in her endeavor to push the boundaries of artistic expression.
This exhibition showcases her breathtaking art through several concepts key to her work, including women, narrative, and environmental issues. Of the five exhibition spaces, the largest is given to what is regarded as her major recent work, “Reanimation.” Developed as both an art installation and live performance, visitors can compare the two versions by seeing the latter at ROHM Theatre Kyoto alongside this exhibition.
In the performance, video, sound, props, and costumes all closely correlate with the artist’s own body. In the installation, multiple elements densely intertwine with one another and seem to consume the whole exhibition room, as if compensating for the absence this time of her body. Jonas interprets the theatre and exhibition spaces each in bold yet different ways, constructing a vision of an entire world through interrelated images and ideas. Don’t miss this rare opportunity in Japan to experience the remarkable artistic achievements of Joan Jonas.
Friday, December 13th, 2019 / 5:00–8:00 PM
Admission for invitees and performance ticket holders only
1936 年ニューヨーク生まれ、同市在住。1970年代初頭にパフォーマンスとビデオを融合させた新しい表現形式を創始する。この領域における先駆者の一人であり、現在もパフォーマンスと新しいデジタルメディアとの関係を探求し続けるアクティブな芸術家として、高い評価と尊敬を集めている。世界各地の美術館での個展・パフォーマンスのほか、ドクメンタなどの国際展、企画展に多数出品している。第56回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(2015)にアメリカ館代表として参加。2018年にはロンドンのテート・モダンで大規模な回顧展が行われた(3月–5月。2019年5月–9月にポルトのセラルヴェス現代美術館に巡回)。2019年、TBA21–Academy(ヴェネツィア)からのコミッションにより、第58回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレの同時開催展として開催された「Moving Off the Land II」では、近年の海洋環境をテーマにしたインスタレーションとパフォーマンスを発表するなど、旺盛な活動を行っている。
Joan Jonas in New York, 2012. Photo by Brigitte Lacombe
In the early 1970s, Joan Jonas established a new artistic form by integrating performance art and video. Her remarkable achievements have earned her an esteemed reputation and respect as a pioneer in the fields of contemporary performance art and video art, and as an active artist who has pursued the exciting relationship between performance art and new digital media. In addition to solo exhibitions and performances at art museums around the world, she has presented at numerous international and special exhibitions, including documenta. She represented her country at the United States Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale in 2015. From March to August 2018, she held a major retrospective exhibition at London’s Tate Modern.
Joan Jonas in New York, 2012. Photo by Brigitte Lacombe
開館時間 11:00–19:00
休館日 月曜日
年末年始休館 12月29日(日)–1月3日(金)
〒604-0052 京都市中京区押油小路町238-1
Tel: 075-253-1509
E-mail: gallery@kcua.ac.jp
Venue: Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA
Dates: Saturday, December 14th, 2019–Sunday, February 2nd, 2020
Hours: 11:00 AM–7:00 PM
Closed on Mondays except National Holidays (open on January 13th, closed on January 14th) and New Year’s holidays (December 29th–January 3rd)
Admission free
238-1 Oshiaburanokoji-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-0052 JAPAN
Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA
Phone: 075-253-1509 / E-mail: gallery@kcua.ac.jp
Access: http://gallery.kcua.ac.jp/visit/#en
Subway: 3-minute walk from Nijojo-mae Station (Station T14), Exit 2
Nearest bus stop: Horikawa Oike
Presented by the Inamori Foundation, Kyoto City University of Arts
Curated and produced by Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA
Planned with cooperation of ROHM Theatre Kyoto
© Kyoto City University of Arts / ROHM Theatre Kyoto.